sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Achivements for 28 june 2014: concerts, public relations, business.

I plan to start publishing what I do daily in order to keep track of progress and at the same time publicly commit to achieve stuff. as I will be ashamed if I don't achieve anything and I tell you so.

For iChill Theater Cafe
- Printed flyers: URGENT AND IMPORTANT

- Printed posters: URGENT AND IMPORTANT

- Social networks marketing: NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT
- Performed concert for free for the cafe: NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT

- Programmed and assisted the concert of Sonwriters Philippines: NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT

For the artist Kuya Manzano
- Twitter marketing: NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT
- Sang Broadway concert at iChill as an exposure and to make this new production stronger, have it fresh in order to move it to other venues and sell shows in iChill as well. URGENT & IMPORTANT
WATCH VIDEO OF LAST WEEK https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=330330620448023

For my personal wellbeing
- Realized I need a psycologist or a coach NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT
- Attended a Filipino Freethinker meeting. NOT URGENT & IMPORTANT

For my direct urgent economy

Other tasks
- Clean & dry the raincoat before wearing it again. URGENT & NOT IMPORTANT

Well. Actually I think I did a lot of things after all. I guess this is a good method to keep track and progress.

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